TANDEM® blade

Patented TANDEM® Blade takes advantage from the combination of two separate profiles held together with the scope to delay the separation of the airflow around the airfoil to reach extremely high efficiency levels.

TANDEM® Blade represents the best solution for Energy Saving projects (reducing the absorbed power, but maintaining the same cooling capacity) and for those projects where cooling performances must be increased maintaining the same power consumption and motor size.

TANDEM® Blade is available in three patented options, 20TD, 30TD, 40TD, ranging in diameter from 8 to 34 ft; the 20TD and 30TD fan model are available also in auto-variable pitch configuration from 8ft to 16ft.

TANDEM® Blade utilizes the FLEXI Blade technology with all the related technical advantages and cost savings.

Cofimco S.p.A.
via Gramsci, 136 Pombia (NO) Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 516.460 i.v.
P.IVA 01508600036  N. REA 178367
Società a Socio unico

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